DEVILCAKE LiveEvil at Little Brothers Friday June 21, 2002

click on the photo to make it bigger - if you think you can handle it.

steering an invisible milk-truck hua! Hail Devilcake! rock on baldy Devilcake: still rocking between songs his head is exploding! i think we lost him steve, nancy nice cavities horn-head and horn-dog. i didn't just say that. ON YOUR KNEES! YOU SHALL BE! Sensitive Ponytail Man on keys rocking strapless Steve's legs are still there, you just can't see them because of the camo this is the cover of our live album this is the back cover of our live album we don't have a live album i just wanted to see if you were reading these in order obviously you're not
Darrin: der! he will KILL you O O F! pizza party pizza party pizza party yeah-yowwwwwwwwww!!!

AVI Video 1: Hands Off My Oreos

AVI Video 2: Frankenstein's French Fries

right-click to download. or don't.

PHOTOS and videos taken by Joel Treadway of